My Blog
Support and AdviceI hope you find my blog useful. If there’s any particular emotional issue you’d like me to write/record about, please drop me a line and let me know.
Mid-life rage – How to control it
Have you experienced mid-life rage? A fall in your levels of tolerance and rise in your levels of rage as you have become older? Victoria Lambert in her article 'The rise of mid-life rage - and how I got it under control' cites some examples which you might recognise...
Can saying Yes lead to feeling angry?
When we are asked to do something which we are happy to do, we feel a lightening of the load, an inner sparkle, saying yes brings a smile to our face because our hearts feel joy. This is our full-hearted response The opposite is ‘I should ... but I don’t want to’....
Journey to Contentment
Can you imagine what contentment feels like? Waking up feeling good, instead of being weighed down by angry or anxious mind chatter? All of which is based on fear and emotional pain. Learning emotional skills Ideally, as children, we learn the skills needed to...
Be motivated to change using self help tools
Why is it so hard to be motivated to change how we feel? Are you motivated to change your life? I'm guessing you know why you get anxious or angry and are motivated to try to stop. You probably have an understanding of what your issues...
Family: Love is thicker than blood: we collect our family
I heard a young care leaver interviewed today about family. She spoke about the difference between her life experience and those of teenagers who live with their families. She was a resilient, independent 17-year old. When asked if she felt her carers, from the...